The Impact of Low Code on Traditional Software Development Roles and Responsibilities

Are we ready for the future of software development?

The rise of low code development has brought significant changes to the software development industry. As the demand for faster software delivery increases, low code platforms have emerged as a solution for businesses that want to speed up their software development process. But what exactly is low code? How does it work? And how will it impact traditional software development roles? In this article, we will explore the answers to these questions and explore the impact of low code on traditional software development roles and responsibilities.

What is Low Code?

Low code development is a new approach to software development that lets users build applications through a visual interface instead of writing traditional code. Low code platforms offer pre-built blocks of code, templates, and drag-and-drop functionality that allow users to create applications quickly without the need for coding expertise. Low code platforms often have built-in functionality, such as cloud deployment and scalability features, which make it easier for businesses to build complex applications faster and cheaper.

How Does it Work?

Low code development tools employ a visual approach by which users can connect blocks of pre-defined elements that create a workflow for an app. These pre-built elements include fields, forms, buttons, charts, and graphs, among others. The user then sets up the backend connections by connecting to an API and configuring integration. Beyond that, the low code platform takes care of the responsive design and formatting for different devices and screens.

As a result, the final product is a cloud-based application that is easy to deploy and update without needing a specific set of technical skills. Moreover, low code encourages a collaborative approach among non-technical personnel and technical teams to build better software solutions together.

The Impact of Low Code on Traditional Software Development Roles and Responsibilities

Low code’s impact on traditional software development roles and responsibilities is significant. Low code platforms change the way software development projects are managed, from the way developers work to the type of skills needed for a project team.


Developers are one of the largest groups impacted by low code development. Low code allows developers to be significantly more efficient in their work because low code tools handle much of the repetitive and tedious work that normally would involve manual coding. Low-code development allows developers to focus more on building complex features and solving complex problems than by spending time writing every line of code manually.

Business Analysts

In low code development, developers need fewer details about requirements upfront because the pre-built elements help them to reduce redundancy in the development process. As a result, business analysts have been empowered to take a more active role in software development projects as they can now participate in the creation of software solutions – a task that was formerly the exclusive domain of developers.

Project Managers

Project managers can now manage the software development process effectively without deep technical expertise. Low code development tools produce code that has been rigorously tested, meaning project managers can trust them to produce reliable, scalable, and secure solutions.


Low code platforms offer design templates and UI drag-and-drop elements, making it easier for designers to focus on creating a user experience for the app. They can collaborate with developers and business analysts to create an application that looks good, works well, and supports key business functions.

What are the Benefits of Low Code Development?

Faster Delivery

Low code development enables businesses to deploy software much more quickly than traditional software development. According to a Forrester survey, results show that low code development reduces the application delivery time by 75% compared to traditional software development.

Reduce IT Costs

Low code development platforms automate the development process, which reduces the amount of time required for developing applications significantly. This reduction in development time also yields significant cost savings. For example, according to a survey by Gartner, low code development companies have saved an average of $1600 per user per month.

Improved Collaboration

Low code development platforms promote collaboration under a more common language. Business stakeholders can work alongside IT professionals who are familiar with different aspects of software development. Low code platforms also offer real-time feedback and the ability to modify or change attributes directly to stakeholders giving them more control over the process.


Low code platforms support easy scaling. As businesses grow, they will have to respond to new demands that come with growth like customer demands, shared data, and more, which may require updates to the application architecture. Low code development platforms are flexible and able to scale applications at a faster pace than traditional software development.

Improved Quality

Low code development provides automated code validation which ensures fewer errors due to manual functionality testing. This improvement means the app delivery process is accelerated without sacrificing quality.

Challenges of Low Code Development

While the benefits of low code development are hard to ignore, there are some challenges too.

Low Code Development Requires Learning

Training employees to use low code development platforms can take time and initial investment, and businesses must be willing to invest in employee training to take full advantage.


Low code development platforms may not offer the same level of customization as traditional coding. In low code development platforms, the amount of control you have is limited to pre-built code blocks.


Another challenge that comes with low code development is ensuring the system's security. Applications built on low code platforms are safe; however, they share IoT devices with the broader network environment, which may expose them to external threats.


Low code development is here to stay. It is transforming the software development industry by making development quicker and more collaborative. The benefits of low code development cannot be ignored, but there are some limitations and challenges that businesses must be aware of. As companies plan for the future, understanding the impact of low code on traditional software development roles and responsibilities is essential. Low code is the future of software development, and businesses should embrace this change to remain innovative, agile, and efficient.

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